The World needs more than one day for the Environment

Written by Rachael B. - June 4, 2020

If you’re interested in sustainability, and on social media, you may have noticed your timeline flooded today with posts tagged #worldenvironmentday. 

An annual awareness raising day, World Environment Day is a call to action for all those who care about the world we live in. This year, our current situation presents an opportunity to change the status quo, to really reclaim our planet and make a difference to all our futures. To this end, the 2020 campaign calls for us to raise our voices, and take action for nature.

Working in tech, some might wonder what we can do to put nature first. Well, as a sustainable web design agency, being ‘#fornature’ is part and parcel of who we are, all day, every day. We will be jumping on the social media bandwagon with this post, but our actions are ongoing as part of our mission to help to accelerate the shift to an Internet that’s good for people and planet.

While we enjoy celebrating awareness raising days like today, we feel that by ‘walking the talk’ all year round, and staying committed to our mission, this is the best way to create long-term change that will go some way to help address the climate emergency we are facing.

Some of the actions we have taken to reduce our impact on the environment include:

We’d love to hear how your business is taking action for nature, whether this is something you have been doing for a long time or something you’re just looking at now. 

It’s never too late to adjust business practices for a more sustainable future, and we’d love to help in any way we can – whether that’s to help you make your website more energy efficient, or simply to exchange ideas, we’d love to hear from you!